“ hungry for love ” – every day poetry 36

hungry for love v2 - linked to art portfolios

hungry for love v2 – linked to art portfolios

“ hungry for love ”


for every sense of the way



brother and sister

from a family not my blood


but my blood none the less

good friends and spiritual

strong in their path

family just the same

the quality of similarities and interest

at times outweigh the (family) name


true i am the abandoned one

i was always there for them

and when i need the essence of life

none of them know my name


they can say they love me

and they say they can be there in their way

but know not about loyalty

not to family – this bothers me not


but to integrity and truth to shun what is not

and the one who plotted all

also the ones who joined in committing their crimes

in their lies and actions and never to come forward


but haughty arrogance of their feigned saintliness

now like many others who fell from their grace

they say to be christians and have no spiritual place


no footing, no holding to the ground

fickle is their path

looser than lightly sand  coated slippery sidewalk sliding feet from beneath


so hungry for those who r true

real and passionate

knowing life is precious

and faithful to this fact


and let us not forget the other love


from the day to every day


not from friends

i don’t need to explain what it is i say

but could be that with benefits

therapeutic and the greatest sense of pleasure


not that i would know

to many seasons has passed

but i would never oppose


for quality and endearing endurance

to a share just the same

it may be the deepest episode of love


for an entity of love i am

so no matter what the situation

i, as everyone else

feel these daily pangs


it is not for food

but rather i am

hungry for love

hungry for love

hungry for love

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