” Taxi driver, I have a dream ” – everyday poetry 106

this is just what exactly i wrote, i was 10 minutes late for the 20 minute writing @ the Veterans Writing Workshop led by Loni Ann (Leloni)

i am not a taxi driver, it is a workshop, and we were to write about i have a dream and the word that i picked, i was supposed to pick 3, but only picked one – taxi driver!

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Taxi driver, I have a dream

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Another fucking fare, and this is all I could get, is another road to nowhere

I listen to the dreams being whispered in my ear

To the dreams being jubilantly shared with co-fairs and I in despair

Barely do I have money to pay the bills for this dump shit where I live

Barely do I have enough money to get me day old food and other crap I don’t need

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When I am taking my fares to the penthouse suites

When I am taking my fares to Beverly hills

When I am taking my drunk ass fares to their lovers house affair

When I am taking my fare to boulevards and parks

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My fares in the morning, going to their sky high offices

Because they grew up with the opportune time in hand not mine

My fares some of them worked their asses off, and got the luck that they needed

To be my fare

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So my share, yes, too I have a dream

To go to the places that I drive my fares

To have my home in Beverly hills

Whoever Beverly is, I want to live right next to her

Or butted up next to the national forest with acres of views in every direction

I want to get my groceries delivered from whole foods, trader joes, and gourmet caterers

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Yes I have a dream to have a driver too, to go finished what I started at school – the Universities of every opportunity for me, to share my art and love for people, society, civility

I have a dream to not have trauma overwhelm me

I have a dream to see in the eyes of the Reverend Dr. Martin King jr.

In cultural appreciation, and all people contributing to this dream

The dream where we all pull one another up, one helping 10 and 10 helping 1 etc.

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What is U’r dream ❗❓❓❓

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