“ Capital punishment, Normally i am against it, but if corporations are a people “ – Everyday Poetry 255

Today, we have all the DWP in the house, plus Heather – Army Strong… 3rd group meeting, welcome and Adam, Patric, Carlos, Rick, Wes, Terre

Death penalty for the corporations

Death penalty for the corporations

, Lucy, our writing coach Leilani, and me and some great prompts – here we go for 15 and i used all of my time writing this intro.

Join us for the 2017 Returning Soldiers Speak  PLEASE REGISTER (clickable)

I will read my writings from the book all of us published in this year… (buy it now by clicking on this passage) with a special definition – if you read the book, you might be able to surmise which definition i will give you. There will be many other Veterans reading, and i am very happy that 3 of our Women Vets will be reading, just saying, when the group started, it was all male Vets, i am glad of the diversity, and we can certainly use more diversity… hoping (clickable)

also, at this Venue, i will be on display, my art that is, Special thanks to Army Veteran Lucy of post 13 and all of her team mates there… Lynne etc. thank U… i know i need to learn names. More later!

But, i also want to announce, i may not be with the group for very much longer – i am hoping to figure out how to get my own place, first one ever… and hopefully a very healthy place… i will be blogging about this shortly too. Hopefully this or next week. Cheers, and enjoy the writing.

Capital punishment, Normally i am against it, but if corporations are a people (Adams)

Who is killing who, with what are we being killed with, certainly not kindness. I am addicted to binge watching a good series, i get them from the library, and binge watch them as therapy so that i don’t think of all the bullshit in my mind that tries to keep me down. It is like self sabotaging of anything good that can happen for me or to me. But it happens, so i went into rehab today. Actually i started yesterday. And the results are in. But last night, all the nightmares kept playing on the eyelids and i spent 45 minutes looking into the nothingness of downtown Los Angeles from the 5th floor window where i have stayed now for about 2 years. I looked at the foot of skid row to the opulence of all the corporations instilled into billions of dollars of high rise buildings that facilitate the ongoings of businesses and people alike in their daily journey of life which is always a journey to death.

For 45 minutes or so, the nothingness of the city fucked me over, or it was others who fucked me over and i was in the fucked over state of nothingness. I was numb, in shock and thinking more and more negative to the point of again being afraid of the objects in the room that could complete the tasks of eradicating the pain welling up.
Back up again at 04:30 something, freakish torments haunting my sleep, except they have no right to haunt me, for it was nothing to do with anything that i did or did not do, but the freaks who still walk the planet in their criminalistic outfits where they have dawned the masks of saints including halos. They fooled you too, didn’t they.

Much like the corporations, telling us that we can have a probe when we pull it from their cold anus.
You can have my probe when you pull it if from my cold anus (Eric)
That is the whole thing about money, power, position, and the lack of concern for how ones actions affects the masses. The corporation as a person, and the persons who hold the strings to that person, that can lay to waste the populace as they wish. It is not just the money they take, or make so that it is unavailable to anybody but the person, the corporation, the means of life are laid to waste in big piles of filthy lucra (sp) all for legacy, all to pass down in legacy while the masses starve. This is not really the meat of it all, now is it. How about corporations that profit on the lives of Marines, Soldiers, Sailers, and the Air-Force.

Isolation Crisis (Eric)

Serendipitous Emanation – (Heather)

These other two prompts were, they are wonderful, i hope i get back to them. 132433 on October 31,2017

i did not stay true to the prompts – too much of the criminals who stole position for the writing… , however it was done, it was.

569 words in 15 minutes

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