Angels here and there – Everyday Poetry 262

angels here and there – By: kenneth james

130834 –Β 

do we appreciate the angels amidst the living


when here – we stair up into the heavens


Hoping for the angels to protect us

To lead usΒ 

To guide us


Maybe not the sophisticated intellectual who want to see with their own eyes

Maybe not the souls wrapped around too much negativity like me


But i have seen angels here

Do U want to call them saints,

Slaves to spirituality


selfless ambiguities shredding sand berms, forested trails, city walks and streets, humble and lofty dwellings, office spaces and store clerks, dirty shirts and fastidious fashion flow, everywhere we go – there is someone that we know, if we know anybody at all, most likely somebody has been that angel


Marian, they call her a sisterΒ 

Sister Marian from convent MaryLu and Kathy too – they foster other Angels as Marian fosters them, she fosters us


Look into the kaleidoscope to find the pieces falling into place

Colors you can embrace

For your soul or just your face


It is like the colors you create

They come from all your lessons learned

And the burning passion

What you do with it


Centered in the wisdom of life that angels give you

We can meet in that intellectual cafe

But if that is all we have

We have no room for balance


I embrace my spiritual side

Every encounter

Every embrace

Every antidote from other peoples experiences

They take me to a different place

Mentally and physically


Marian gave simple hand massages

Using the best of lotions on every hand

Compassion and her disarming demeanor brought everyone to now


She used what was her passion

Love for humanityΒ 

In the contribution to civility


Before her, she would just arrive, hands freshly washed, an even smile that often unfolded into the laughter in the sharing of souls. Your sitting in a Wellness Works chair, she is too, with the little wooden table between the two of you. An intimate setting. She opened you up like the flower that you are, every bit of good that is you – in her presence she would just say something and bring everything out. She did not scold me for my colorful language like some do – she let you know that you are welcome, that you are loved, and that you are loving. Even if she never said it – that is what angels do, in part, that is what angels do!Β 

133133 on May 8th 2018 – tuesday

Thank U Marian – MISS U!


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