“Little 7year old Blonde Boy & the 21 year old Nun” – everyday poetry 265

Two characters 


DWP – Carlos, Rick, Adam & the Marine – & our writing coach Leilani with Gordon lightfoot Nipper-fox – 

Little blonde boy – about 7 with glasses and crossed eyes 

And 21 year old nun

Well, it’s o.k. I know you miss your parents, now lets go to the chapel and pray. 

Through the crying, and grabbing his suit jacket that is still on him, with both hands balling into fists as it looks like he is trying to rip his buttoned up jacket off of his little body. He is 7, but he looks malnourished, at least that is the question everybody asked his parents… aren’t you feeding that boy. They were, not good food, but he was eating everything in sight, including the food his sisters didn’t want, his parents oldest son almost always ate everything he was given. 

He tugged as all of his little young life was gone, and then screamed out loud in the darkened hall, as the Nun held his hand in her soft and gentle hand. 

The boy, he screamed i don’t want to fucking pray! Seemingly everything got much quieter, and it was as if all the Nuns and the holy father himself heard this cry of the boy, and all the other little boys and girls heard it too. 

The Nun, she spoke softly, feeling the tears that kept rolling down his cheek, and helped him with his jacket, as his free hand was still grabbing the jacket with all his strength, the buttons were just about to break before the Nun – Sister Jacqueline, convinced him in a soft voice to take off his jacket

He was sweating, and was soaking wet, and the tears, they melted into the sweat and the dirt from about a week of living in the car. 

Sister Jacqueline was very sensitive, she unbuttoned the 2 buttons that were hanging on by threads, as she unbuttoned the second button, before she was able to get his arm out of the first sleeve, the plastic button clanked loudly to the highly waxed cement floors and clanked and bounced, and then rolled partially down the hallway stopping when it hit the tiled floorboards. 

She helped with the other arm, and Kenny was finally compliant, and let her take the other arm out without tensing his body up, like he was afraid that she was going to hurt him. 

But Jacqueline, she could hurt nobody. She was an angel. She was very dark smooth black hands, and a wonderfully pretty face, the kind of face that every school boy admires, and some like Kenny, fall in love with or get crushes on. 

She prayed with him in the chapel. Later he would find out that this is just a way to make the wishes known and feed them to the universe, just to see if God’s creation would hear and honor them. He would later have so many unanswered prayers that he would figure out just what it is about people and their need to pray.

Kenny never seen sister Jacqueline again, now it was with the non-understanding sister Theresa 


Today in our writing group we were supposed to develop dialogue between two people, and we were supposed to insert this fortune cookie saying

This would definitely have to be said by Sister Jacqueline, somewhere in there… but in reality, it is something that Kenny would not have understood then at his young age. Maybe as a witticism coming unexpectedly from the mouth of a 7 – year old cross eyed boy with coke bottle glasses

Also, please don’t forget – i am an artist – august, well, it used to be my special month – you can help me get it back by supporting me as an artist – click on these words and you will find me

note: there are many pieces with poetry or writings in the description section.

If you love the art – please buy ART on 7foot ACRYLIC and invite other friends of yours to do so too – really hoping i will get 100 in AUGUST – (OR ANY MONTH… FOR STABILITY)

thank you so very much


Fortune cooikie

Fortune cookie

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